Mastering eye makeup is like learning a new language—a language of colors, textures, and techniques that allows you to express your individual style and define your look. But with so many products on the market and a new trend cropping up every other month, we know it can feel intimidating especially as a newbie to eye makeup. This guide breaks down everything you need to know about creating the perfect eye look. 

It all starts with understanding your eye shape and color so you can choose the right tools and techniques to match your unique eyes. Not sure what your eye shape is? Here is a breakdown on the most common eye shapes.  

  • Round eyes are characterized by their circular shape that is similar in width and height, creating an open and awake appearance. 
  • Almond eyes, resembling almonds, are pointed at both ends and wider in the center, with a well-defined crease. 
  • Monolid eyes lack a visible crease, offering a smooth eyelid from lash line to brow. 
  • Hooded eyes feature a prominent brow bone with a skin fold that covers the crease, creating a "hooded" appearance over the eyelid. 

The next step in your path to levelling up your eye makeup game is choosing the right products. Look out for eye makeup with formulas that are not only vibrant and long-lasting but also consciously made, and packed full of skin-loving ingredients.

Step 1: Prime your lids  

Even the most skillful eye makeup application isn't immune to the challenges of keeping your makeup perfectly in place. The secret weapon? A good primer. Just as a painter primes a canvas, an eyelid primer creates a smooth, even base that not only enhances the pigments of your eyeshadows but also ensures they hold from day into night. 

Step 2: Create the perfect base and blend  

 When it comes to curating products for your eye makeup, make sure you have a neutral palette that will serve as the base for all your looks. And then you can add bolder colors to your collection based on your taste.  
For eye shadow application, blending is your best friend! The skill that separates the novice from the expert and the magic that softens harsh lines and creates a seamless transition from one color to the next. With the right blending brush, light pressure, and patience you can achieve a beautiful gradient effect that makes eye makeup look effortless and polished. 

Step 3: Define those eyes  

Eyeliners have been a key part of eye makeup in the Middle East for years. They can help add definition and shape to your eyes. If you’re looking to create a smoky look, you can grab a pencil eyeliner and glide over your waterline and above the lashes. If you want to create a sharper look, use a pen to draw wings for that cat eye look.  

Step 4: Wrap it all up with a mascara  

The final step (and sometimes the only step!) is mascara. Mascara gives your lashes volume and additional length, making them look denser and darker.  

Tip: Use brown mascara, if you want to create a more natural look.  

Remember, your eyes are one of the most sensitive organs in your body so make sure you give them the right amount of love by using a gentle eye makeup remover.  

Mastering eye makeup is a journey of exploration and expression—a way to highlight your natural beauty while experimenting with the endless possibilities that colors and textures offer. Explore our range of clean eye makeup, so your consciousness can stay clear, while your eyes sparkle.