The Powder Room Magazine

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Ten common beauty myths you really have to stop believing

Top Tips for Removing Your Makeup Gently and Effectively

Top tips for removing your makeup gently and effectively

Is there anything more satisfying than nailing the perfect makeup look? As much as we enjoy experimenting with makeup, removing it shouldn't feel like a chore or, worse, a battle...
Are You Following A Pre and Post-Exercise Skincare Routine?

Are You Following A Pre and Post-Exercise Skincare Routine?

Working out is a great way to improve your health, but it's important to take care of your skin before and after exercising to avoid irritation and breakouts. Exercise can...
3 Simple Summer Body Tips For Glowing Skin

3 Simple Summer Body Tips For Glowing Skin

Hotter weather is here and we beg the question, is your body ready? With average of 10min spent on a facial skin-care routine, we can guarantee your body doesn’t get...
You may not realise you're making these common beauty mistakes

You may not realise you're making these common beauty mistakes

Source: Pinterest   Getting skincare right can feel a lot like being back in high school chemistry class. There are always a number of separate but related factors that contribute...
Five easy ways to prevent ‘Mascne’

Five easy ways to prevent ‘Mascne’

Source: Pinterest We love face masks. They help protect us and our loved ones from illness, hide a multitude of sins, such as awkward and poorly-timed facial expressions, and it’s...