Self-care is the ultimate expression of truly loving yourself. It can present itself in a number of ways through personal boundaries, physical activity, self-development and spiritual growth. It’s a multi-dimensional, broad-spectrum approach to living a life that is vital to your emotional, mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Renowned psychologist Sanam Hafeez explains how beauty self-care can be both soothing and calming, “On a deeper level, it makes you feel like you’re honouring yourself aesthetically, by taking time out for yourself. Those few minutes, if spent going through the steps in a rhythmic, calm, and purposeful manner, can almost be meditative.” We look at some celebrities who reach the leader board in ultimate beauty self-care.
A Worthy Skin Care Routine: Frank Ocean
Renowned singer and award-winning artist, Frank Ocean swears by his daily ritualistic skin care routine to keep him feeling confident. Although in his early 30’s and looking no older than 19, Ocean is probably one of the most committed male skincare addicts out here, as quoted in GQ “I need the night cream because when I wake up, I feel very beautiful, moisturised, and ready to have people making eye contact with me. That’s the life hack right there.” Shop all of Powder’s obsession worthy skincare right here.
Purposeful Dry Body Brushing: Gwyneth Paltrow
Probably the most efficient, and purse-friendly, way to stimulate your lymphatic system and reduce cellulite, dry body brushing is definitely up there with mastering self-care. Dry brushing should be done pre-shower and according to Paltrow “It's an amazing way to exfoliate your body. You take the dry brush and, starting at your feet and working up, sweep it all over your body in light, firm strokes, always brushing toward your heart. It's fantastic for circulation and it helps smooth cellulite. I do it every night before I get in the bath.” We are sold Gwenny, you had us at 'amazing'! Shop the most-wanted body brush here at Powder.
Body Self Maintenance: Serena Williams
A body care routine that ticks all the boxes, Williams is an advocate of regular exercise, no big feat for the tennis champion, coupled with nourishing oils to keep her skin supple and her mind centred. “I think self-care is very important to prioritize in life. When you make time for yourself, you feel like the best version of you and that extends into other facets of life. My self-care routine varies — whether I’m trying a new product or staying loyal to my feel-good classics like coconut oil, I always carve out moments to tend to myself and nurture my body.” No debate here, we love those precious stolen moments lathering indulgent oils all over. You can find our range of luxury body oils to pamper your skin, and mind, here.
Nourishing your body: Jennifer Aniston
All hail the queen of self-care, Jennifer Aniston. From journalling and meditation, to yoga and breath-work, queen Aniston has stolen the number one spot. Aniston swears by a nourishing her body internally just as much as externally. Growing up with a super-strict health fanatic mother, she said “It was no fun to come to my house because it was all cardboard-tasting foods. When I moved out, my big rebellion was to stock my fridge with food that had taste–I bought every cereal I’d ever wanted and other crap. Eventually, I started to feel like crap. I went to a nutritionist and realised that my mom had been doing me a favour. I committed to being mindful of what I put into my body.” A big advocate of natural supplements and clean protein powders, she focuses on maintaining a good balance to keep her feeling and looking amazing at 53! Shop our range of Aniston-worthy clean supplements and protein powder here.