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How to reduce hyperpigmentation at home with regular exfoliation

How to reduce hyperpigmentation at home with regular exfoliation

Hyperpigmentation, the darkening of an area of skin caused by increased melanin production, can be a pesky skin concern for many.    Factors like sun exposure, hormonal changes, and skin...
Decoding cleansing balms and oils

Decoding cleansing balms and oils

In the world of skincare, the initial step of your routine—cleansing—sets the tone for everything that follows. With the rise of double cleansing, balms and oils have become favorites for...
Staying hydrated on the go: travel essentials for dry skin

Staying hydrated on the go: travel essentials for dry skin

Going on vacation is something we all look forward to, but it often comes with challenges for maintaining healthy skin, especially for those with dry skin types.   The combination...
What’s the difference between sunscreen and sunblock?

What’s the difference between sunscreen and sunblock?

When it comes to protecting your skin against the sun, the choice between sunscreen and sunblock can be crucial. Though both serve the fundamental purpose of protecting your skin, understanding...
The ultimate guide to sunscreen

الدليل الكامل لاختيار الكريم الواقي من الشمس

قد يكون اختيار الكريم الواقي من الشمس أمرًا معقدًا بوجود تركيبات وأنواع مختلفة، كل منها يناسب احتياجات مختلفة…
When should you start wearing eye cream?

متى يجب أن تبدأي باستخدام كريم خاص لمنطقة العين؟

يتميز الجلد حول أعيننا بأنه حساس وعرضة لإظهار علامات الشيخوخة مثل الخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد في وقت أبكر من المناطق الأخرى في الوجه. ولكن هل هناك عمر مثالي للبدء بإدخال كريمات...
The ultimate guide to pregnancy-safe skincare

دليلكِ الآمن للعناية بالبشرة أثناء الحمل

رحلة الحمل هي رحلة مثيرة، مليئة بالترقب والتحضير. وبينما يخضع جسمكِ لتغيرات كبيرة، ينبغي أن يواكب روتين عنايتكِ تلك التغييرات…
Physical vs Chemical Exfoliation: Is one better than the other?

Physical vs Chemical Exfoliation: Is one better than the other?

 Exfoliation is a cornerstone of any great skincare routine, helping to remove dead skin cells and reveal fresh, radiant skin underneath. But with different exfoliation methods available, it can be...
How to avoid sunscreen piling

How to avoid sunscreen piling

Sunscreen is your skin’s best friend, especially under the harsh rays of the sun. But even the best relationships can have their challenges—like when sunscreen starts piling or balling up...
SPF 30 vs 50: Is there really a difference?

SPF 30 vs 50: Is there really a difference?

When it comes to sun protection, SPF ratings are crucial in deciding how well a sunscreen will shield you from the sun’s harmful rays. Among the various SPF ratings available,...
All about Probiotics in skincare

All about Probiotics in skincare

Probiotics in skincare is a trend that's been gaining popularity in recent years, and it's not hard to see why. After all, the health benefits of probiotics are well-known when...
How to care for combination skin throughout the year?

How to care for combination skin throughout the year?

Combination skin can be particularly challenging as the seasons change, necessitating a flexible approach to skincare.   What is combination skin? Characterized by an oily T-zone with enlarged pores and...