A message from the founders

Our Story

نحن آيات وأمينة مؤسسا موقع Powder Beauty

بدأت قصة Powder بالنسبة لنا عندما واجه كل منا مشاكل في البشرة لأول مرة في مرحلة البلوغ. لقد كنا نتطلع في ذلك الوقت للحصول على بشرة مثالية لكلينا. لكننا لم نكن ندرك مالذي يجب علينا فعله في ذلك الوقت أخيرًا. لقد غيرت هذه التجارب تمامًا نظرتنا وتعاملنا مع موضوع التجميل والعناية بالبشرة، وقادتنا في النهاية إلى إنشاء Powder لكم جميعًا. هكذا تسير القصص.
Ayat's Story

My skin went haywire after moving to the Middle East in my 20s.

So I did what any breakout newbie would do and opted straight for a super harsh yet widely popularized acne treatment. It literally ruined my skin. For years I continued using these aggressive products with nasty, drying ingredients—and my skin was only getting worse. That’s what led me to eventually seek a better approach to caring for my skin and embark on a journey of discovery.

… A journey which also turned me into a shopping addict. Once I learned all the shoulds and shouldn’ts, and became conscious enough to understand that “clean and gentle” doesn’t mean less effective, I started exploring brands and products all over the world, from Korean skincare to little-known indie brands that were doing something radically different. I was shipping products to the UAE by the case, wanting to try everything, leaving no stone unturned. I became a junkie in its truest form. It was only natural that I started sharing everything I had discovered with my friends. I wanted them to learn what I had, and try all the amazing products I had gotten my hands on. And that’s what brought Amina and I together.

Amina's Story

When I reached my 30s, I experienced hormonal issues that wreaked havoc on my skin.

I bounced from dermatologist to dermatologist, desperate to find a solution that would get my skin back in order—but nothing was working.

Ayat was an acquaintance of mine around the time she was bringing products from abroad and introducing them to friends. I was learning everything from scratch, so she helped educate me on skincare and ingredients, guiding me on which products to try. It was a total savior and I, too, became a junkie. For the two of us, turning this passion into something bigger seemed like a no-brainer.

منذ الشروع في رحلة Powder، أصبحنا مهووسين باكتشاف أفضل منتجات التجميل والعناية بالبشرة في العالم.

نحن نبحث دائمًا عن مكونات أفضل وبدائل أنظف وتصميم جميل، ونحن ندافع عن المكونات الأخلاقية والشاملة والمركزة على الاستدامة. ولأننا تعلمنا أن الجمال النظيف والواعي لا يعني المساومة على الجودة أو الفعالية، فقد شرعنا في مشاركة ذلك مع العالم. إن إحضار هذه المنتجات إليك هو أكثر ما يحمسنا، ونأمل أن تحب كل منتج بقدر ما أحببناه.