كريم لشد البشرة تحت العينين مع الببتيد والكافيين
قد لا تحصلين دائمًا على ثماني ساعات من النوم، ولكن يمكنك الاعتماد على كريم العينين المنعش خفيف الوزن هذا لمساعدتك على الحصول على مظهر مشرق ومتجدد وذلك من خلال استهداف مشكلات منطقة العينين الثلاثة الأساسية - الخطوط الدقيقة، والترهل، والجفاف - حيث يقدم هذا الكريم الغني بالماء تغذيةً وترطيباً لمدة طويلة. يساعد الكافيين على شد البشرة وتقليل الانتفاخ. وتساعد الفواكه الفعَّالة الغنية بفيتامين C على معالجة التجاعيد. ويدعم الأسيتيل هيكساببتيد-8 إخفاء الخطوط الأكثر نعومة الناتجة عن تعابير الوجه. كل ذلك بالإضافة إلى الزبدة النباتية وزيوت البذور التي تضمن لك الحصول على عيون مشرقة وعناية فعَّالة كل يوم. سوف تبدين مرتاحة ومتألقة كل يوم. معتمد من قبل Leaping Bunny، غير مجرب على الحيوانات، نباتي، خالي من الجلوتين، خالي من العطور والأصباغ الصناعية والكبريتات والسيليكون والبارابينات.
15 مل
United Arab Emirates
Standard Delivery
Standard Delivery is available across the UAE and takes 1 – 2 working days, depending on whether the order is placed before the cut-off time of 4:00 PM. Orders placed before 4:00 PM are normally delivered on the next working day. Standard Delivery costs 25 AED, and we offer free Standard Delivery on all orders over 200 AED. Cash on Delivery payment is available for all orders.
Same Day Delivery
Same Day Delivery is available in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Ajman and Sharjah.Same Day Delivery orders must be placed by 11:00 AM for delivery to Abu Dhabi, Ajman and Sharjah, and 12:00 PM for delivery to Dubai, for same day processing and delivery before 10:00 PM. Orders placed after these cut-off times will be delivered the following day. Same Day Delivery costs 45 AED, and we offer free Same Day Delivery where available on orders over 500AED. Cash on Delivery payment is available for all orders.
Delivery to Saudi Arabia
Please note that any order over 1,000 SAR will require customer’s full name as per their national ID, their ID number, and the ID expiration date.
Standard Delivery is available to Riyadh and takes 1 – 2 working days, depending on whether the order is placed before the cut-off time of 3:00 PM. Orders placed before 3:00 PM are normally delivered on the next working day. Standard Delivery costs 35 SAR, and we offer free Standard Delivery on all orders over 200 SAR. Cash on Delivery payment is available for all orders. Orders to Saudi Arabia will be subject to 15% VAT which will be added automatically at Checkout.
Other Areas
Standard Delivery is available to all locations in Saudi Arabia and takes 2 – 4working days, depending on whether the order is placed before the cut-off time of 3:00 PM. Orders placed before 3:00 PM are normally delivered within 2 to 3 working days, but may take longer to remote areas. Standard Delivery costs 35 SAR, and we offer free Standard Delivery on all orders over 200SAR. Cash on Delivery payment is available for all orders. Orders to Saudi Arabia will be subject to 15% VAT which will be added automatically at Checkout.
GCC Delivery
We deliver to Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar. Standard Delivery takes 3 – 5 working days, depending on whether the order is placed before the cut-off time of 3:00 PM. Standard Delivery across the GCC costs $10 (37 AED). We offer free Standard Delivery on orders over $95 (350 AED). Cash on Delivery is available for orders to Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman. Please note that for delivery to Qatar and Oman, all orders will require customer’s full name as per their national ID, their ID number, and the ID expiration date.
Orders received after the cut-off time will be processed on the next working day. Same Day Delivery orders placed after the cut-off time are guaranteed to be delivered on the following day.